Mr. Mohammad Abu Sadeque is a Civil Engineer, founder member, former vice-president, and
present Secretary General of Bangladesh Earthquake Society (BES), former CEO of government
autonomous body Housing and Building Research Institute (HBRI), Consultant and Designer of
earthquake resilient high-rise buildings, Researcher, and also social activist for having
earthquake resilient building as well as for ensuring affordable housing for low-income people.
His research and innovations are targeted to fulfill the aim of “Sustainable Housing for All” by
2030 thus reducing the carbon emission, saving agricultural land, efficient use of building
materials, having earthquake & disaster resilient construction, and ensuring affordable housing
within the reach of low-income people. Furthermore, the goal is to save Bangladesh from the
curse of clay burn bricks using agricultural topsoil. He has made contributions for making people
aware regarding alternative technologies through electronic and print media all over the world.

Following his graduation from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET),
Mr. Mohammad Abu Sadeque pursued a master’s degree in geotechnical engineering in the same
institution. He studied in Netherlands in order to obtaining his postgraduate diploma in
engineering geology. He worked for different government organizations like the Public Works
Department (PWD), Disaster Management Department and Ministry.